Map-making made simple for game developers.

Hyper-focused on ease-of-use, MapperMate is a Tiled alternative that makes map-making less painful and more fun.

The fastest way to create 2D maps, guaranteed

(If there's something faster, let's fight about it)

Keep track of your projects from any machine, anywhere.

Cut out the tedious parts of game dev and start building

There's no need to start from scratch, create your map and use one of our premium exporters to start with a strong base that'll save you hours worth of time and headaches.

Export Formats

Full JavaScript Platformer

A complete project with collision detection, player movement, sprites, and side-scrolling

Slim JavaScript Platformer

A slimmed down version of the full platformer with just collision detection and player movement

Slim Godot

A slim project in which you can directly open and work on in Godot

Simple pricing, for everyone.

If you're not satisfied after 30 days of use, send me a message and I'll provide a full refund, no questions asked.


Good for anyone who is self-employed or just getting started.


  • Create unlimited maps
  • Full JavaScript Platformer Export
  • 30 day refund policy, no questions asked
Get started


Pay once to use MapperMate with all future updates for life.


  • Create unlimited maps
  • Full JavaScript Platformer Export
  • 30 day refund policy, no questions asked
Get started


Perfect for serious game devs who know they'll be working year-round.


  • Create unlimited maps
  • Full JavaScript Platformer Export
  • 30 day refund policy, no questions asked
Get started

Start with a free account , no credit card required

Get started today

It's time to take control of your maps. Don't let clunky software boss you around—work in flow with MapperMate.

Start making maps

Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, post in the Discord Channel for help.

    • Is MapperMate free?

      Yes, for one project. To create unlimited projects, you'll have to subscribe or purchase a forever plan. I'd love to work on MapperMate full-time, so I'm looking to provide a mutual benefit situation for myself and MapperMate users.

    • An exporter isn't available for my game platform, can you make one?

      Yes, if you use a popular game platform, PyGame or Unity for instance, and you'd like an exporter created for these, let me know on Discord.

    • I'm an artist and I'd like my tileset added to your library, do you accept tileset applications?

      Yes, if you'd like your tileset added to the MapperMate library, message me on Twitter and I'll manually add your tileset until I integrate Creator + Community accounts.

    • Will you be adding more tools and features?

      Yes, you can expect new features periodically, and even more often if MapperMate proves to be a viable business.

    • I found a bug, what should I do?

      Please let me know on the Discord channel, I'll always do my best to fix bugs in a timely manner (I want this app to be great!)

    • I lost my password, how do I get into my account?

      For now, send me a message and I'll help assist.

    • Who created MapperMate?

      My name is Chris Lis, I'm a senior fullstack developer who doubles as a content creator over on YouTube. I created MapperMate after struggling to use an existing map-making tool in one of my videos. Rather than wasting time with simple tasks such as importing tilesets, I knew I wanted something that would provide me all the tools I needed with the click of a button. After six months of intense focus and effort, MapperMate was put into beta, and the following month, v1 was officially launched. Me personally, I'm very much into building solo businesses (if you couldn't tell), playing guitar (I play in a few bands in NYC), and also chess, though I tend to shy away from it because it tends to get a bit addicting. I'm pretty much always working towards the next big thing—follow along and check my progress on Twitter or my personal website.